what cms, what is content management system

what cms, what is content management system

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


What CMS? | What is Content Management System– Today, we are going to tell you through this post, What is the Content Management System (What CMS?) This question (What is web content management) can also be asked from those who are preparing for computer examination. So stay with gyanipapa.

What CMS ?

What CMS;- CMS is a software. With the help of CMS, we make our Website, Blog, very easy. The Content Management System stores our content. CMS provides assistance in creating a Website or Blog.

There are many templates or themes in Content Management System, with the help of which we can give a very good shape to our website.

What is CMS Stand for;-

What is the full form of CMS;- Full form of CMS is the Content Management system. CMS is a Content Management system. The content management system means that we control our content through CMS, which is to operate.

What does CMS mean;- Content Management Systems allow us to manage content. Anything can be in the form of content such as; – Text, Videos, Image, URL, etc.

What is Content Management System

What is Content Management & What is a CMS System all are the same Query. Content Management System is also known as the Web Engine. Web Engine helps in running the website in the same way as Bike Engine helps in running the bike.

Basically Content Management System is Two End one is Back End And Other is Front End.

Back-End in CMS;- Back-End in Content Management System is an area with the help of which Admin can edit or remove anything in his Post, Content, or Article. If we say straightforwardly, if we have to edit or remove anything in our post, then we do it by back-end only.

By going to the back-end of Content Management System, we can change anything in our content.

Front-End in CMS;- Front-End in Content Management System is the area that shows the changes made in Back-End to Front-End. If we say it directly, our post shows what it looks like from above.

If we have to change anything in our article or post, then we go to the back-end and make changes. Then after going to Front-End, you can easily see that change. The web page is also known as Front-End.

Types of Content Management System

There are several types of CMS. (Content Management System examples)

Features of Content Management System

  • Seo fast
  • User management tool
  • Email manage
  • Multi- Plugin
  • Multi-Theme
  • Multi-Template
  • Time reduces
  • Security increase

CMS Used

  • In creating an online store website.
  • To Sell Online Product.
  • Who is fond of blogging.
  • Online to earn money.
  • Take your business online.
  • In doing social media marketing.
  • To create an online forum.
  • In creating a job website.
  • In creating a website for News.
  • In creating a question-answer website.
  • In making Real Estate Websites.
  • Create an auction website.

What is the Best CMS for Web Development

What is the Best CMS for a Website;- Of all the websites in the world, 35% of the websites are created by WordPress CMS, hence WordPress is the most popular Content Management System. People also Searching (What is the Best Content Management system, What is the Best Content Management System for Websites) On Google Search Engine.

What is CMS Software

What is CMS in Software;- A software that allows us to store, manage and publish our content online in the world is called CMS Software. nowadays, many types of Content Management System software or websites are available.

What is a web content management system

What is web content management;- Basically Web means Website. Web Content Management System, Content Management Software All are the same things.

Web Content Management System is an application, software or Set of tools that provide for creating, storing, managing and publishing web page content On Online Platform, which may be in the form of text, URL, Images, video, audio, etc.

Why use CMS; –

CMS is much more popular. Of all the websites in the world, 70% of the websites are created by CMS. By Using, we can quickly rank our website or post on Google.

The most important thing about CMS is that we do not have to do coding in it, we write our articles without writing JAVA, HTML, CSS programming. Saves time in building a website. A lot of Plugin and Theme are found in it.

Advantage of Content Management System

(1) Speed;- By using Content Management System we can increase the speed of our website.

(2) Security;- We can increase the security of our website.

(3) Easy to Use;- It is quite easy to run Content Management System, we can easily use.

(4) Time Saving;- We do not need knowledge of HTML, JAVA, CSS, Programming to write article in Content Management System. Articles can be written in the Content Management System without coding, which saves time.

(5) Expand Easy;- We can successfully share our article using Social Media Plugin. We can connect Easy Way to social media on our website.

(6) Plugin, Theme;- We get a lot of plugins so that we can improve our website by giving a very good design, structure.

What is WordPress

WordPress Kya Hai

Disadvantage of Content Management System

Security risk- Content Management System updates from time to time, so we should update our Content Management System as well. If not, then security can be risky. We should use the latest version of Content Management System only.

While installing the latest version of Content Management System, error comes in our website, because each version has its own different Coding, which causes the structure of our website to deteriorate.

Note;- Before installing the latest version of Content Management System, you should back up your website.


In this post, we learned that What CMS? (What is Content Management System) Content Management System is a website making tool and we should use it it is quite simple it makes our website ready in less time. It has many good features which are enough to make any website better.

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2 thoughts on “What CMS? | What is Content Management System -|2020|

  1. There is certainly a gгeat deal to know about this issue.

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